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College and Career success Business retreat


On 11 July, 2021, Petersburg Alumni Chapter (PAC) hosted their College and Career Success Business Retreat in support of their Kappa League Program in Mechanicsville, VA. The event consisted of young men who are currently college students and a few who will begin their college matriculation in the fall. To make this event collaborative, the leadership team at PAC (Brothers Wigglesworth, Johnson, Lyons, and Evans) reached out to the Fort Lee Alumni Chapter (FLAC) for support of this great event.

On this day, Brothers Sam Burns and Carl Brown were on site to provide information on careers in the Federal Government but specifically, the Department of the Army Logistics Apprentice Program at Fort Lee, VA. While Brother Burns and Brown provided insight to those programs, they also took the opportunity to discuss other key areas that directly impact the overall success of young African American men entering the job market. Some of the areas discussed were effective communication, professionalism, resume writing, professional attire, optics, preparation for interviews, and other interview techniques.

As we engaged with these young men, to our delight, we found Mr. Christopher Parham in attendance at the retreat. Christopher is a 2021 FLAC scholarship winner and will be attending VSU in the fall to pursue a degree in Computer Science. While we were shocked to see Mr. Parham, it was breath taking to see so many young African American men investing in themselves through the Kappa League Program.

This was an exceptional event, held at an amazing venue. On behalf of the FLAC leadership, we would like to extend our appreciation to PAC for including us in the growth and development of these young men.

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